Lift Sagging Cheeks and Restore a More Youthful Look with a Cheek Lift in Atlanta.
Hollowing or sagging cheeks are often an unfortunate fact of aging for many people, but it doesn’t have to be a life sentence. Through an effective, straightforward surgical procedure, Dr. Elizabeth Whitaker elevates the cheeks through minimal incisions to restore a fuller, more youthful appearance with natural-looking results. A cheek lift, or mid-face lift, is designed to restore the natural contour of not only your cheeks but improve the appearance of your lower eyelid area as well.
How does a cheek lift procedure work?
Dr. Elizabeth performs a cheek lift by making minimal incisions to serve as simple access points, either behind the hairline or in front of the ears. She’ll evaluate your individual situation at your private consultation and determine the best place for incisions to produce the desired outcome. Through these small access points, Dr. Elizabeth will then gently lift and reposition the soft tissue (cheek fat pads) and suture the incisions once desired lifting is achieved. The procedure is performed with local anesthesia and relaxation or IV anesthesia, depending upon the complexity of the surgery. A cheek lift may also be performed in conjunction with certain other procedures to produce the results you desire.

Before & After: Cheek Lift
What can cheek lift surgery do for me?
Cheek lift surgery has become a very popular procedure because of the great benefits it can provide people seeking to turn back the clock. These benefits may include:
- Restoring cheeks to a higher position often experienced in youth
- Improving overall facial balancing
- Reducing the appearance of jowling
- Softening nasolabial folds (laugh lines)
- Smoothing hollows and folds in the undereye area
Am I a candidate for cheek lift surgery?
If you notice significant sagging of your cheeks due to volume loss, prominent smile lines, or hollows below your lower eyelids, you may be a good candidate for cheek lift surgery. Ideally, patients are in good health overall and have realistic expectations of how a cheek lift will affect their appearance. Dr. Elizabeth and your Atlanta Face & Body consultant will go over the procedure in detail and answer any questions you have so you can make an informed decision regarding if a cheek lift is right for you.
What is the recovery from cheek lift surgery like?
Cheek lift surgery is customized to each individual, so every surgery is different. You will receive detailed post-operative instructions to meet your specific needs and help ensure recovery is as quick and comfortable as possible. Following your procedure, you’ll likely experience mild to moderate swelling for about a week, at which time most people feel comfortable returning to work. Swelling may last a little longer depending on the degree of surgery needed to achieve desired results. Cold compresses can help alleviate any discomfort associated with swelling. Most patients report mild to moderate pain after their surgery that’s typically tolerated well with certain medications. We’ll discuss everything you can expect at your private consultation.
What results can I expect from a cheek lift at Atlanta Face & Body?
Once swelling has subsided, you should notice the youthful trait of higher cheeks, a smoother transition between the lower eyelids and cheek, softening of laugh lines, and improvement of jowls. Scars are most often difficult to detect due to their size and position and continue to soften over time.
What’s my next step to a cheek lift in Atlanta?
If you’re ready for a more refreshed appearance through a cheek lift, then the staff at Atlanta Face & Body is standing by ready to assist you every step of the way. Book your private consultation with us today by clicking here or calling (678) 888-3223. We’ll go over all the details of cheek lift surgery and help you determine if it’s the best option to achieve your personal aesthetic goals.