Enhance the Contour of Your Upper Lip with a Lip Lift.
Adding more fullness to your upper lip can be achieved in a number of ways. Though injectable fillers often take center stage in the aesthetics industry when people think about lip enhancement, there’s also an in-office, outpatient procedure called a lip lift that may be an even better option to produce the most desirable results. In fact, a growing number of people are reaping the lip-loving benefits of this amazing procedure in recent years.
If you’re self-conscious about your upper teeth not being exposed enough when you smile, or if the corners of your mouth are turned downward in a constant frown, then a lip lift may be the best option to correct this. Lip lifts can also reverse some of the effects of aging by eliminating lip lines or “smoker’s” lines.
What benefits can a lip lift achieve for my lips?
The lip lift can improve the appearance of your lips and your smile in the following ways:
- Elevate the position of your upper lip.
- Increase fullness of the lips.
- Raise the downturned corners of your mouth.
- Expose more teeth when you smile.
- Aid in balancing and harmonizing your facial features.

Before & After: Lip Lift
How does a lip lift work?
A lip lift procedure shortens the space between your upper lip and the bottom of your nose and increases the vermillion (the red portion of your lip) through a small, easily concealed incision just under the nose. A small strip of skin in the shape of a “Cupid’s bow” (matching the natural curve of your upper lip) is then removed by Dr. Elizbeth Whitaker and your lip raised to its new position while the small incision is carefully sutured. If the corners of your mouth are turned downward, additional small incisions at the sides of your mouth may be made to change the position of the lips and provide a more attractive look. Due to the precise position of the incisions, any resulting scars are virtually invisible once full healing has taken place.
Am I a candidate for a lip lift?
A lip lift can be a great option for men and women age 20 to 70 of any skin type. It may not be a good option, however, for people who do not have much space between their nose and upper lip (typically around 1.5 centimeters). Whether your lips have been affected by the aging process or you have naturally thin lips due to genetics, we will thoroughly go over the procedure during your consultation at Atlanta Face & Body and help you decide if it’s the best aesthetic approach to reach your individual goals.
What is the recovery from a lip lift like?
Immediately following the procedure, your upper lip will be sore and swollen to some degree. Swelling may be a bit excessive for the first several days, but this is a normal part of the healing process. We recommend you restrict most physical activity for several days. Any exercise or exertion should be avoided for about two weeks. The initial healing period generally lasts 2-3 weeks with optimal results presenting around 2-3 months post procedure. Scars from incisions heal over the next several months and continue to improve with time. Dr. Elizabeth and her staff will provide you with detailed instructions to carry out at home to ensure optimal healing takes place after your surgery.
How long do results last with a lip lift?
The results of a surgical lip lift are generally permanent. However, your lips and skin overall will continue to mature over time, so normal changes attributed to that should be expected.
What’s my next step to getting a lip lift in Atlanta?
If you’re self-conscious about your upper lip being too thin, then a lip lift may be the procedure you need to smile with confidence. Your first step on your lip transformation journey is to schedule a consultation at Atlanta Face & Body. Dr. Elizabeth and her team will discuss the lip lift in detail and help you determine if it’s right for you. Call us today at (678) 888-3223 and be on the way to the lips you deserve.